Saturday, August 19, 2006

I am Bummed

Yes, fellow cave-dwellers, the UL is bummed. Why? Well, I'm not quite sure. Allow me to include you in my flow of consciousness, a flow not out of a logical argument, but of observations...maybe we'll find out together.

It's not because of the idiotic NSA ruling--I knew somehow that it would be challenged; the ACLU needed the right judge, and lo! they found one. Big surprise. Not because the non-stop bleating of the "useful idiots" in the MSM sheep and the stench of their Marxist "scatologisms" that has poisoned the air and infected the thinking of the gullible public. No, I expect this to continue and the wafts of the marxist manure to increase over the landscape. It's not the apparent silence of the majority who are in favor of our efforts to fight "Islamic Fascism." It's not the hedonistic pursuits of our generation to success and accomplishment; every generation wants to make its mark.

The WWII generation, the oft labeled "Great Generation" is dying off. Great men and women who hunkered down, fought and defeated one of the greatest threats to mankind are dwindling due to attrition. Not that they accomplished this without mistakes; they accomplished this by pressing on through their mistakes. Now, they are silently fading away, leaving us without the ever present "silent strength" that we super-smart "Boomers" have assumed and have taken for granted. With civilization saved, the "Boomers" broke ground, experimented, pushed the envelope, built an ediface on the foundation the WWII'ers left us, and ushered in the ever lauded "post-modern" era. We valued the philosophical inventions of a Jacques Derrida's "Deconstructionism," advancing the idea (if you can make heads or tails of his philosophy...good luck) that language does not convey objective reality, but is a means of control by the very powerful. We question the objective nature and reality of reality itself now; we're so smart! And the last gasp warnings of our dying progenitors is lost because it doesn't sell or entertain; what does it have to do with "the information age?" Wisdom on the lips of the fading is nonetheless...wisdom.

As I see it, we "Boomers" are a lame generation that has been propped up by the WWII'ers; we have benefited from their blood and sacrifice--and we are silently losing our supports. With that in mind, I now question whether we have a similar "silent strenght" to give to our successors. Moreover, I also wonder what history will make of us after the gas of our inflated self-assessment deflates through time. Will our legacy be repudiated? Will we be as useful as a spent helium balloon? I'm afraid this may be the case. Like those who failed and are recorded in the Bible for our instruction, our legacy may be the means to illustrate for future generations "the guiding principles of how NOT to live."

Do we have the collective guts to rewrite our legacy with our actions? That too, will be known only in time.


At 4:52 PM, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I think that this is one of the most interesting things you've ever written, mainly because I feel this is you coming to the fore rather than political churnings.

I think any generation that experienced WW2 would become 'great', such is the nature of conflict, I still find it interesting that the American public had to have their arm twisted into the conflict and what world we would have if the US had not got involved.

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Underground Logician said...

Daniel: Thanks. As to my political churnings, I don't think you are fully aware of how I stand. Most of my comments deal more with the sophistry that is so prevalent with either side. Case in point, I am very skeptical of the Bush doctrine of nation rebuilding. As a Catholic, this grates against me and the traditional view of Just War Theory. This is why the pope has been against the Iraq War from the beginning, both JPII and now Benedict. It is an extremely difficult situation to parse out, and the easy explanations given by either side seem to obfuscate the issue. So as a logician, I challenge the fallacies that prevail in media and affect our thinking. This is what you run up against. I think you caste me as a wingnut, which I am not. If you find this hard to fathom, maybe I need to disclose more about other issues. I have been very lopsided lately.

As to the isolationism prior to WWII, I wonder as well. There was a political struggle during WWII, probably deeper than communicated, but it was quelled probably because of the war effort. I fear the lack of restraint today could be very costly to innocent people as well as the military, which is international in scope.

Kathleen: WOW! What a legacy you have! Thanks for sharing!

Did you find out why there was the disconnect from what Hitler was doing to America's perceptions? Was it a general lack of information due to the more primitive communications then, or was there resistance or denial of a problem? Other?

Feel free to post again.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Pearl Harbour got a lot of people enlisted which is way FDR let it happen, the act of war could have been intercepted but FDR let the attack make its full impact so he had an act of aggression to spur his nation into war.


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