The "Red Herring" of Fetal Pain
Two Authors of Fetal-Pain Paper Accused of Bias
Conflict of interest in the research? Of course. Does this have the potential to skew results? No doubt. In the world of inductive reasoning, does this matter? Most certainly!
In the emotional debate over abortion, supposedly this omniscient "study" from "experts" is supposed to help us pro-life provincials understand the reality of abortion. And, no doubt, this takes the emotional wind out of the pro-life argument, right?
The issue of fetal-pain is a throw back argument to Terri Schindler (schiavo), where it was justified to kill her because she couldn't feel pain. She didn't have the capacity to feel pain. So, people listened to George Felos' siren song "The Beauty of Starvation." The trouble with pro-death ideology is not difficult to refute. That's the fun part. The fact is, I get bored, since it is abysmally dull and lacks any creativity. Can't you people come up with something new? Substantive? Compelling? Are you kidding me: no guilt? No pain...not human?
The issue with the abortion controversy is and always has been "Is the 'fetus' human?" It is a most important metaphysical question. And if there is any doubt to what the fetus is, then we must cease the dismembering and chopping of innocent pre-born children. The pain issue is a red herring that deviates from the real issue, the humanity of the fetus. We are murdering human beings, pain...or no pain.